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What is Hypnotherapy?

What is Hypnotherapy?

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I often receive questions about what hypnotherapy is and how it can assist with different situations. Many are curious to understand its benefits and how it can positively impact their lives.  In this article, I hope to answer these questions.

The term Hypnotherapy is the mash-up of the words ‘hypnosis’ and ‘therapy’. Hypnosis occurs when our own powers of suggestion induce an altered state of consciousness. The therapy part of the equation is when we use hypnosis to help enable behavioural and emotional change.

A trained hypnotherapist will not just put a new client into a ‘trance’. They will do a lot of groundwork and ascertain all the 

aspects of the client’s personality, anxieties and goals. Only then will they move on to creating the relaxed state required to conduct hypnosis. In addition, a good hypnotherapist will not just immediately conduct hypnosis. To achieve more effective results, a skilled therapist will identify the true cause and tailor hypnosis to directly target it. This personalized approach allows for a more precise and impactful outcome.

Once the client enters a hypnotic state, they are much more suggestible, making it easier to discuss memories, gain insight, and alter unhelpful behaviour.  In hypnotherapy, clients maintain awareness of their surroundings and remain conscious throughout the process. In this state of heightened consciousness, individuals have the ability to access memories and events that may have been forgotten or deeply buried within their subconscious mind. It is through this access that hypnotherapy facilitates the exploration and retrieval of valuable information. This can contribute to their healing and personal growth. Additionally, it facilitates profound insights, behavioural transformations, and enhanced clarity, empowering positive changes to take place.

History of Hypnotism

Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer were proponents of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique. They believed that hypnosis could bring forth inaccessible, disturbing memories from the subconscious mind, thereby facilitating a potential “cure.” Their work highlighted the potential of hypnosis in uncovering and addressing deeply rooted psychological issues.

During the 19th century, psychology was emerging as its own field, and neuropsychiatrists began to study psychological conditions in more detail, Forerunners in the field of hypnotherapy include Hippolyte BernheimJean-Martin CharcotAmbroise-Auguste Liébeault, and Pierre Janet.

Today, hypnotherapy is widely practised and a much sought after form of therapy. People seek out hypnotherapy to deal with a number of issues from dealing with daily stresses to dealing with more traumatic events. In the present day, hypnotherapy has gained widespread recognition and is highly sought after as a form of therapy. Its effectiveness in addressing various psychological and emotional issues has contributed to its popularity among individuals seeking alternative approaches to healing and personal development. The growing acceptance and positive outcomes associated with hypnotherapy have made it a valued and trusted therapeutic modality.

How does hypnotherapy work?

There is no doubt that hypnotherapy works for many people. There are, however, varying theories within science, medical and psychological fields as to how the process of hypnosis actually works. This may be because not enough studies have been carried out or that science is not yet at a place where it can understand how hypnotherapy works. However, recent studies have shown that hypnotherapy actually alters elements of a person’s neurological and physiological mechanisms.

During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist will identify the client’s goals and decide how the session will proceed, the practitioner will use guided imagery and soothing speech to help the person to feel relaxed and safe. When the recipient of hypnosis has achieved a hypnotic state, the hypnotherapist will provide suggestions that can help the person reach his or her goals. A common concern for those unfamiliar with hypnotherapy is whether they can be hypnotized against their will. Rest assured, the answer is no. In the hypnotic state, individuals always maintain awareness and have the ability to return to a more alert state once the session concludes. Hypnosis requires the active participation and consent of the individual, ensuring their comfort and control throughout the process. Some people find that just one hypnotherapy session is sufficient, and others may attend several sessions.

Uses of hypnotherapy

Although stage hypnosis and media portrayals may contribute to perceiving hypnotherapy as an unusual or sensationalized treatment, it has gained widespread recognition as an effective approach for addressing various issues. Specifically, it has shown efficacy in treating phobias, addictions, and problematic habits. Hypnosis can also aid individuals in managing stress, quitting smoking, alleviating chronic pain, and even assisting women in coping with childbirth discomfort.

Dentists can use hypnotherapy instead of anaesthetic to carry out complex procedures and allow their patients to return home or work immediately after appointments. In clients with trauma-related conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), hypnotherapists can talk to them about their traumatic memories under hypnosis and subtly re-frame those memories to help them become easier to deal with.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Moreover, hypnotherapy is a widely utilized therapeutic approach that effectively facilitates self-exploration and the discovery of unconscious intentions, motivations, and past experiences. By tapping into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy allows individuals to delve deeper into their inner landscape, gaining profound insights and a greater understanding of themselves. This process often leads to transformative shifts, empowering individuals to make positive changes, overcome challenges, and foster personal growth.

It provides a unique opportunity to delve into the underlying causes of unwanted symptoms or behaviours, allowing individuals to gain insights and understanding that can lead to positive change and resolution. Hypnotherapy serves as a powerful tool for uncovering and addressing the root causes of various challenges, fostering healing and personal growth. Past Life Regression therapy is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people search for answers about who they are in the here and now.  Hypnotherapy bypasses conscious thought processes, allowing a person to gain better insight into a particular problem. Clients achieve different results with hypnosis, as they do with other forms of therapy. However, it appears that some people are more receptive to this form of treatment than others and achieve increased benefits.

Risks of Hypnotherapy

There are two main issues when it comes to hypnotherapy.

  1. When choosing a hypnotherapist, it is important to select someone who has undergone proper training and holds registration with a professional organization. This ensures that the hypnotherapist has acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to provide effective and ethical treatment. Affiliation with a reputable professional organization not only signifies a hypnotherapist’s commitment to maintaining high standards of practice but also reflects their dedication to ongoing professional development. By staying connected with such organizations, hypnotherapists stay updated on the latest advancements in the field, adhere to ethical guidelines, and engage in continuous learning to enhance their skills. This commitment ensures that they provide quality care and strive for excellence in their practice.
  2. If you seeking hypnotherapy to deal with traumatic events and memories. Those memories can still be painful to recall and discuss, so be aware that you may be subject to feelings of panic, flashbacks, or general feelings of anxiety. A good hypnotherapist will make this process easier and you should always leave a hypnotherapy session feeling better.

Other than bearing these two important things in mind when looking for a hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy is a safe technique for dealing with any issue that is causing you a problem.


Last Updated: May 12, 2024

Reading Time: 5 minutes

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